1. Atma Vidya Ashram (an orphanage) in Bangalore, India (http://www.atma-vidya.org)
2. The Hole In The Wall Gang Camp, Ashford, CT (https://www.holeinthewallgang.org)
A DIFFERENT KIND OF HEALING, Creating fun & friendship for seriously ill children and their families.
3. Connecticut Children Medical Center, Hartford, CT (https://www.connecticutchildrens.org)
4. Samarthanam Blind Trust, Bangalore, India
5. Food Share, Bloomfield, CT.
2017-2018 [ $37,000 ]
Atma Vidya Ashram - $14,000
Connecticut Children Medical Center - $10,000
The Hole in the wall gang camp - $9,000
Food Pantries - $3,000
AIM FOR SEVA - $1,000
2017-2018 [ $20,000+ ]
2016-2017 [ $41,628 ]
Atma Vidya Ashram
2017 Project 1: Adopted 10 kids at orphanage by bearing their education, boarding and food expenses. ($3650)
2017 Project 2: Free education for poor and needy children.
i ) Hired a teacher to teach basics in Computers, spoken English and Math.
ii) Purchased 6 laptops for education and for staying connected with the kids via Skype.
The Hole in the wall gang camp
2017 Project 3: Funded 7 seriously ill kid's camping experience ($2500 is required for one child)
Connecticut Children Medical Center
2017 Project 4: Distributed toys to children getting treated at hospital cancer and hematology dept. during the holidays
Food share
2017 Project 5: Donated $3,200 to Foodshare. (1 in 6 kids in Hartford county are at risk of hunger)
2017 Project 6: Donated turkeys in Thanksgiving.
2015-2016 [ $22,345 ]
Atma Vidya Ashram
2016 Project 1: Adopted 10 kids at orphanage by bearing their education, boarding and food expenses. ($3650)
2016 Project 2: New water tank for the orphanage which will ensure clean water availability to 50 kids. ($6218)
2016 Project 3: New lockers for all 50 kids in orphanage to keep their books, clothes and other personal stuff.($2647)
2016 Project 4: Solar panel and water heater for the orphanage so kids have electricity all the time.($7300)
Samarthanam Blind Trust
2016 Project 5: Donated $500 to empower visually disabled and underprivileged kids through developmental activities
Connecticut Children Medical Center
2016 Project 6: Donated $500 to cancer and hematology department
Food share
2016 Project 7: Donated $2000 to Foodshare. (1 in 6 kids in Hartford county are at risk of hunger)
2014-2015 [ $4,900 ]
Atma Vidya Ashram
2015 Project 1: Adopted 1 kid at orphanage by bearing his education, boarding and food expenses. ($350)
2015 Project 2: Installed solar panels at the orphanage ($3050)
2015 Project 3: Provided a two wheeler for transportation ($1000)
Connecticut Children Medical Center
2015 Project 4: Donated $500 to cancer and hematology department
2013-2014 [ $7,400]
Atma Vidya Ashram
2014 Project 1: Adopted 10 kids at orphanage by bearing their education, boarding and food expenses. ($3650)
2014 Project 2: School uniforms, books, school supplies for all 50 kids in orphanage. ($2750)
Total funds raised - $130,000 and distributed to following organizations